Helping leaders focus, get found and grow their business.


/* Generated from Java with JSweet 2.2.0-SNAPSHOT – http://www.jsweet.org */
var Program = (function () {
function Program() {
Program.main = function (args) {
var one = [“Lean”, “Agile”, “Supercharged”, “Decent”, “Stealthy”, “Epic”, “Progressive”, “Regressive”, “Delightful”, “Disruptive”, “Fast”, “Blind”, “Mediocre”, “Artificial”, “Sensory”, “Balanced”, “Obscene”, “Insistent”, “Nuclear”, “Partial”, “Total”, “Uber”, “Devious”, “Dreamy”, “Feral”, “Primal”, “Mega”, “Nu”, “Neo”, “Woke”, “Scaled”, “Radical”];
var two = [“Portfolio”, “Team”, “Project”, “DevOps”, “Risk”, “Kanban”, “Skills”, “Scorecard”, “Mission”, “Information”, “Data”, “Outcome”, “Change”, “Waterfall”, “Resilience”, “Culture”, “Cloud”];
var three = [“Management”, “Forecasting”, “Fencing”, “Juggling”, “Wastage”, “Nudging”, “Baiting”, “Salad”, “Testing”, “Influence”, “Ideation”, “Rainmaking”, “Fantasy”, “Stalking”, “Intelligence”, “Transformation”, “Revolution”, “Jazz”, “Nightmare”, “Hacking”, “Mogul”, “Tsar”, “Bot”];
console.info(one[Program.radgrt()] + ” ” + two[Program.radpref()] + ” ” + three[Program.radverb()]);
Program.radgrt = function () {
var x = (Math.ceil(Math.random() * 31) | 0);
return x;
Program.radpref = function () {
var y = (Math.ceil(Math.random() * 16) | 0);
return y;
Program.radverb = function () {
var z = (Math.ceil(Math.random() * 22) | 0);
return z;
return Program;
Program[“__class”] = “Program”;