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Words of wisdom for startups

April 24, 2015

I love these beautiful posters from Startup Vitamins. They remind me of the Philosophy Football t-shirts but instead of Shankly, Socrates and Pele, they feature quotes from the likes some of the great tech innovators and leaders.

Featured quotes include words of wisdom for startups from the likes of Steve Jobs, Larry Page and Jeff Bezos. Many of them are great reminders of the core ideas and principles to keep at hand. There are quotes from tech startups such as Pixar, Twitter, Foursquare. My personal favourites include:

  • Quality is the best business plan
    John Lasseter, Pixar
  • A user interface is like a joke. If you have to explain it, it’s not that good
    Martin Leblanc, Iconfinder
  • ‘Likes’ do not pay the bills. Sales do.
    Noah Kagan, OkDork
The posters are available from Startup Vitamins.